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Director Administration & Finance’s Message
Director Administration & Finance’s Message

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Aarna Institute Of Maritime Studies (AIMS)
(An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute)
Director Administration & Finance’s Message

“Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to
thinking, Thinking leads to knowledge,
Knowledge makes you great.”
-Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
I welcome you all with great pleasure to Aarna Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS). Students are the very foundation of the future of our nation. We at AIMS are committed in the coordinated efforts of the management, teachers, parents and the students in building the strong foundation.
India is traditionally a maritime nation and has a rich maritime heritage. The maritime tradition of India is as old as our civilization and as vast as the Indian Ocean.
The ever increasing demand of Indian seafarers worldwide is a testament of the quality of education and training received in India.
Hence there is a need to further upgrade our training capacity and capabilities of that India stays ahead of the other nations in this sector and is able to meet the projected global shortage of 27,000 officers by the year 2017.
Our faculty of engineering is committed to creating an environment where people thrive and contribute to improving the quality of life in national and global communities as well as enhancing the wealth creation of the nation through excellence in teaching, research and service.
We at AIMS believe in excellence as a way of life and continuously strive to achieve greater heights in the field of technical education. An alumni of AIMS is sure to be knowledgeable confident and fully equipped to deal with the real world and excel.